
Sustainable Finance & ESG

The Maples Group is fully committed to the goals and initiatives of sustainability

We are highly focused on the impact that environmental, social and governance factors (“ESG”) and responsible investment will have on the financial services sector. We offer end-to-end solutions for international clients and institutional investors seeking to achieve their ESG objectives at both an investment and operational level.

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Our Sustainable Investing Group

Our global Sustainable Investing Group is a dedicated, multi-disciplinary team of sustainable finance experts drawn from our global Banking, Finance, Corporate, Funds & Investment Management, Dispute Resolution & Insolvency, Projects & Construction, Property, Tax and Financial Services Regulatory teams. Our multi-jurisdictional capabilities ensure that we have exposure to global sustainability trends and developments. It also enables us to draw on the experiences and expertise of the entire Maples Group, to develop a uniform and consistent approach to sustainability or responsible investing initiatives for our global clients.

The demand for investments with strong ESG and sustainability related credentials is continually increasing, with investors demanding a move towards more ethical and responsible investment. Asset managers are responding to these demands and integrating sustainability considerations into their investment approaches. Global ESG assets under management is on track to exceed US$40 trillion by 2030, the equivalent of one-third of all worldwide investable AUM (Source: Bloomberg Intelligence).

Our Sustainable Investing Group collaborates with leading international clients and institutional investors to achieve their sustainability objectives at both an investment and operational level.

ESG Green Ferns

We have active partnerships with key external stakeholders within the sustainability space, who share our interests and goals. For example, along with the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management and the Environmental Liability Solutions Europe Ltd, we co-authored a Do No Significant Harm (“DNSH”) Handbook to assist asset managers on how to identify good practices and provide guidance on the evaluation and reporting of the EU sustainable finance regulation’s ‘do no significant harm’ principle. You can read more on the DNSH Handbook below.

Our Sustainable Investing Group continues to engage with governments, regulators and industry associations, in many of the jurisdictions in which we operate, to help shape the financial services industry’s response to developments in transition finance and sustainability focused regulation.

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SFDR Impact Analysis

A Comprehensive Review of ESG Integration in Europe

SFDR continues to have a significant impact on the European asset management landscape. SFDR is playing a crucial role in meeting the ambitions of the European Union’s Green Deal.

Our SFDR Impact Analysis, provides asset managers with a valuable resource to navigate the complex and evolving regulatory framework of sustainable finance in Europe. It examines the impact of SFDR on product design, asset allocation and fund distribution, and is designed to assist asset managers in navigating the complex and evolving SFDR requirements, as well as providing valuable insights and peer analysis on the approaches taken to date.

In this second edition, our research was expanded to include both Ireland and Luxembourg, the two largest European Union fund domiciles, with over 26,000 active funds. This focus enables us to understand the current state of play of sustainable investing in Europe and identify noticeable developing trends in the European sustainable fund space.

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ESG Do No Significant Harm

Do No Significant Harm Handbook

The Do No Significant Harm principle (“DNSH”) is a set of criteria featuring in both the European Union’s Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation and the Taxonomy Regulation.

The Do No Significant Harm Handbook enables asset managers to evaluate DNSH criteria using a practical case study. It demonstrates how developers of large construction and infrastructure projects can, at minimal cost, greatly improve their DNSH and sustainability-related ESG disclosures, thereby enabling institutional investors to incorporate these projects into their taxonomy-aligned investment portfolios.

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ESG Thought Leadership

View our latest ESG & Sustainable Finance collateral, articles, guides and webcasts

ESG Data Solutions

ESG compliance has become interwoven with the field of fund management. As investors demand green and carbon-neutral investment products, asset managers need solutions that can enhance transparency and manage risk.

Data is at the heart of ESG

Whether used by funds to inform investment strategies, monitor decisions, report to investors or meet regulatory requirements, data is at the heart of ESG. To complement our full suite of custom reporting solutions, we have implemented a leading ESG data and reporting system from Trucost, part of S&P Global. This combination of proprietary and best-of-breed systems enables us to deliver tailored solutions that provide comprehensive company analytics and in-depth reporting to create transparency for stakeholders and help manage risk.

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ESG Scoring Summary
Portfolio Analysis Report Type: ESG Analytics | Portfolio: Clean Energy Fund l Currency: Euro | Benchmark As of Date: 04/05/2022

AIFM & UCITS Management Company Solutions

Through our Central Bank of Ireland (“CBI”) alternative investment fund manager (“AIFM”) and authorised UCITS management company, Maples Fund Management Ireland Limited, the Maples Group provides services to alternative investment funds (“AIFs”) and UCITS funds that help meet their ongoing obligations under the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (“AIFMD”) and UCITS regulation.

We offer solutions to clients through an experienced team with significant expertise in risk management, finance, operations and regulatory compliance. We also utilises a combination of proprietary and industry-leading technology for risk and regulatory reporting.

As part of our AIFM & UCITS Management Company Solutions offering, we also oversee ESG leading practices and adherence to ESG requirements including the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (“SFDR”) for article 6, article 8 and article 9 funds In addition to the provision of ESG and regulatory expertise, we can provide clients with ESG and SFDR data and reporting solutions, allowing investment managers to execute their own SFDR-compliant investment strategy.

Sustainability Platform ICAV

To further support article 8 and article 9 funds, we have established the Maples Group Sustainability Platform ICAV (“the Platform”), dedicated to hosting sustainable funds looking for distribution solutions in the European Union. The Platform is an Irish Collective Asset Management Vehicle (“ICAV”). It is an umbrella fund, specifically structured to host environmental, social, governance and sustainability-focused funds. The Platform is managed and promoted by Maples Fund Management Ireland Limited.

The Platform offers a turnkey solution for clients looking to launch a segregated EU SFDR-compliant Article 8 or Article 9 sub-fund, allowing them to take advantage of the high demand for ESG focused funds in Europe. EU and non-EU clients looking for a flexible solution for SFDR compliance and European distribution can take advantage of an established fund platform with regulatory approval and legal agreements already in place.

The Platform affords clients access to industry leading ESG practices and service providers for ESG advisory, fund management, fund distribution, operational and reporting solutions.

Greenwashing Litigation & Advisory

Advising on the laws of the BVI, the Cayman Islands and Ireland, our global Dispute Resolution & Insolvency team, working in tandem with our ESG specialists, can provide legal advice on managing and mitigating against greenwashing risk and regulatory sanction.

Overstated ESG credentials (“Greenwashing”)

International regulators have recently increased their focus on the marketing of investment funds, bonds and other financial products as being environmentally sustainable or ESG friendly investments, to ensure that investors are not being mis-sold these products on the basis of overstated ESG credentials (“greenwashing”).

Both the issuers of such financial products and the board of directors (in case of investment funds), must understand their duties and responsibilities with respect to sustainability-related disclosures, in particular the obligation not to overstate or misrepresent the environmental or ESG credentials.

In addition, issuers and directors must be aware of the commercial risks and reputational damage, which may arise from investor actions for misrepresentation or miss-selling or regulatory sanctions for non-adherence to ESG and sustainability-related disclosures.

We can assist you in the design of your governance structures and operational frameworks, as well as the development of robust policies and procedures, to mitigate against greenwashing risk and the risk of regulatory sanction.

Given our global presence and multijurisdictional investment fund capabilities, we are recognised leaders in the field of investment fund disputes. Our litigation and investment funds lawyers work hand in hand to best represent clients subjected to investor action for greenwashing or ESG mis-selling. Our lawyers have a proven track record of success and extensive expertise in complex commercial litigation cases.

We focus as much on strategies designed to avoid disputes and mitigate risk as we do on active dispute resolution procedures.

In addition, our Regulatory & Compliance group has unrivalled experience in assisting clients with regulatory sanctions or enforcement matters. We appreciate the need to protect your commercial reputation and how such matters must be handled competently, efficiently and sensitively.

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Corporate ESG & Good Governance

Our global Corporate team provides expert legal advice on all corporate commercial transactions with ESG components.

With a global practice advising on the laws of the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Ireland, Jersey and Luxembourg, the Maples Group can provide effective, cross-jurisdictional legal solutions to all the environmental, social and governance opportunities and challenges you may face.

We advise on many complex domestic and international transactions with ESG-related aspects. Leveraging the technical strength and depth of experience of our lawyers across our global offices, our Corporate team works in tandem with our ESG Advisory Group and, where necessary, draws upon the expertise of our specialist commercial lawyers including finance, anti-trust, employment, financial services, intellectual property, real estate, technology and telecoms, trusts and tax.

We advise shareholders and companies on ESG-related matters, across the entire range of corporate and shareholder transactions. In particular, our ESG specialists can assist in the assessment of a target portfolio company to ascertain if it maintains appropriate ESG-focused policies and procedures in line with international best practise (e.g. OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights).

We can assist boards and senior management teams in developing suitable ESG-focused policies, procedures and good governance frameworks, to ensure compliance with the constantly evolving ESG legislative space.

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